In my work I set out to accomplish order through proportion and scale. I depend on the line I draw to communicate form, function, proportion, and space. I like simplicity and believe in restraint. I build my work on a firm foundation where I begin to slowly abstract and leave only shapes that I find most necessary to express size, form, texture, color and meaning.
Distillation of a perceptual subject to its abstract elements contributes to the overall composition. Through this process I am eliminating the presence of the artist, leaving only the idea and the concept to be experienced by the observer without other distractions. The interaction of negative and positive space motivates me.
Associate Art Degree Canada College
Redwood City, CA
Bachelor of Fine Art Academy of Art University
San Francisco, CA
Solo Shows
1994 Citadel Gallery - San Jose, CA
1996 Crosby Commons Gallery - Burlingame, CA
1996 Menlo Park Library - Menlo Park, CA
1997 Club 2030 Restaurant - Redwood City, CA
Group Shows
1988 Canada College - Redwood City, CA
1993 Academy of Art University - San Francisco, CA
1993 Citadel Gallery - San Jose, CA
1996 Peninsula Art Association - Burlingame, CA